Requirements for Admission

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Any man 18 years of age or older who expresses a belief in a supreme being and an afterlife may be elected to membership in Amity Lodge # 1 F&AM. Such election shall require approval of the Committee on Investigations, approval of the Worshipful Master and the unanimous vote of members present at balloting.

All membership candidates must obtain the endorsement of two lodge members in good standing before applying for the Degrees of Masonry in this lodge.

Upon election to membership the new candidate will be notified and scheduled for initiation.

Any person who has been convicted of felony or misdemeanors involving moral turpitude are deemed ineligible to join our Institution.

To learn more about joining Amity Lodge F&AM contact our Brother Secretary Charles Chan at our Contact Us section. You’re also encouraged to attend our monthly fellowship dinner every third Friday evening at around 8:30pm.

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